Atchison, Kansas

Downtown Atchison has seen a renaissance of redevelopment over the last 15 years. The Atchison community has seen the following major projects undertaken during that time:
Riverfront Park Development Project (2004)
MGP Ingredients Corporate Campus (2006)
50+ Residential Apartments (multiple years)
$11m YMCA Facility Expansion (2017)
$6.5M Holiday Inn Express Construction (2017)
$2.5M Fox Movie Theatre Construction (2019)
Farmers Market STAR Bonds Project (2019)
Riverfront Trail Extension Project (2019)
2nd Street Corridor Project (2019)
Commercial St. Streetscape Projects (2002, 2018, 2021)
Main Street Corridor Project (2021-2022)
Many other projects, such as Willie’s Sports Pub, Elizabeth’s Special Events, Muddy River Guitars, Spring Venture Group, Red Light Gallery, the Switchboard Lofts, the Sunflower, Backroad Atlas, and many, many more have incrementally made a huge difference in quality of life, especially for downtown residents.

Our company believes that the redevelopment of downtown Atchison has just begun. With a clear economic development focus on entrepreneurship, prioritizing projects in our downtown, and finding ways to induce investments into our housing stock, Atchison is well situated to continue making incremental progress for the foreseeable future.